Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Day In The Life Of A School Bag (Short Story)

It was a typical school day and I was being packed with my heavy load. I was used to this procedure, after all I have had it done to me for all my life now and don’t mind too much. My zips were closed and I was lifted off the ground. It was time to go to school.
I was being tossed around. I kept bumping into something hard. Soon I felt myself being lifted up again. ‘We’re at school.’ I thought to myself. I was being carried up a hill towards the classroom. Even though I have never seen it I was so used to the route. I have been travelling on it for seven years. I felt myself being pushed into a cupboard or something like that. I knew I had to wait in this squashy hole till three o’clock. Hours came and went. I felt books being put into me and taken out throughout the long, dragging day.
Not again!
I felt water seeping in to the books and dampening my spirits. It was the worst thing that could happen at that time of day. I knew I had to have the worst punishment for something that the evil water bottle did. It never gets any punishments! It’s not fair!
A few hours later I was worried I might be ripped apart when I was being forcefully pulled out of the cupboard like thing and lifted up onto my owner’s shoulders. At least he doesn’t carry me on one shoulder like my previous owner did. It must be three o’clock. I readied myself for the roller-coaster ride as we went down the hill. I was being lowered into the back seat. The bumpy ride started and a few minutes later it ended.
I was at home and being released of my load, but I knew I was going to be put outside because I was soaked. As I was drying in the sun I knew my already faded colours were going to fade even more. I was being picked up and carried through the house. I was roughly flung onto the ground and left there, in that uncomfortable position, for the rest of the night. Life as a school bag is so boring. People should know that they should treat us with more respect. If our species die out they will have to carry everything themselves.